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💰Taxes & Fees

In Cat Town and when trading KIBBLE all transactions have a small fee. This is designed to always return back into the ecosystem in some way to incentivise engagement or benefit players and KIBBLE holders in some capacity.

🪙 KIBBLE Fee Structure

  • 3%/3% buy and sell tax

    • 1% paid to the liquidity pool

    • 1% paid to the development fund

    • 1% paid to the game rewards pool

🎮 Game Fee Structure

  • 2% fee on buying cats and selling floofs

    • 1% paid to development fund

    • 1% paid to KIBBLE buyback fund

  • 50% fee for selling cats - directed to the game rewards pool

    • All fees generated from cat sales will provide a boost in rewards for remaining players

💸 Charity Donations

As part of our development fund taxes, we want to give a portion of that money to a Cat charity every month. We will document proof of donations here.

Last updated